"Vietnam Combat: An Attack Pilot's Diary" is David E. Leue's way of rounding out his naval career, which began in 1948, when he entered flight training under the U.S. Navy's V-5 Program. He takes the reader from the early 1960s, when he had served aboard an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean, successfully completed a course at the Armed Forces Staff College (Norfolk, VA), to extended combat service in Vietnam from the Spring of 1965 to December 1966.
Again Leue has an unerring knack for conveying to the reader the thrills and risks associated with flying high-performance jet aircraft on day and night missions deep inside North Vietnam. Following his Vietnam service, Leue served in a training command, and did staff work in the Pentagon. Shortly thereafter, he retired from the Navy and, between 1985 and 1990, served as a professor at Fresno State University.